I am in the same boat. I don't have insurance for a replacement. I am using the same rom and radio. I did the factory reset and the phone is still locking up. It will run for a day or two and then freeze. I am curious as to what parts of the phone should be saved and what would I use them for?
On another note, I don't feel like shelling out another $350 for an HTC considering what happened with this one. Has anyone seen a review of the new Samsung Intrepid? Sprint is charing $150 for this one. Is Samsung any more reliable than HTC or should I expect this one to die in a couple of years as well.
Originally Posted by drewcam888
It isnt trash but it would be good for parts. You could take it to sprint and ask them but I dont see them doing a lot.
Next time I highly suggest you get insurance. It makes replacements for warranty items free.