Originally Posted by TrePaul86
Question Bgill..... Is there any way that when you lock the phone using the stuff that comes with the ROM, to keep the screen at full brightness and not dim until it's unlocked again? It's hard to see especially outside!
there is a way!
there is a walk around, not the greatest and donno if it 100% functional on this rom.
(im using B*ware rom)
go to start > settings > lock> password ---> check promt if phone unused for 0 minuts, simple pin enter password.
when go to unlock screen brightness is bright
side effects i found on rom im useing is
sometimes black letters (different) behind the white letters. ( had black 09 behind 12).
also when actual unlock and enter code it takes u to a random screen like, contacts,
this is all from a differnt rom though try on urs