Originally Posted by mlevin77
> do you have insurance on the 6700? If so you could get a pro 2 right now or
> an imagio if it breaks.
yes, I've got insurance! So if my phone broke, and I called Verizon and activated the insurance, they'd send me a free imagio?? What happens to the $100 (or is it $50?) "credit" I have for having a very old phone? Will they want me to send the broken one back to them?
> The omnia2 wont have a very user friendly kitchen for a while, if ever. It will also take
> longer for custom roms to show up i'm guessing, since there isnt nearly as big of a
do you think Omnia 2 stock ROM will be significantly better than Imagio w/ eventual custom ROMs? about the only difference I can see is battery life, right?
When you say you have insurance, you pay the $5 or so a month correct? If you do, then they will send you a new phone, since the dont have any apache's left, they will most likely try to send you a touch pro or diamond, tell then you would like to see if there are any other options for phones, and ask to speak to a tier 2 tech, they will most likely be able to help you out. If all they can do is send you a touch pro, take it and sell it! The phone you get in exchange for your apache will be a brand new phone with everything included.
I dont know, its hard to say. From the videos ive seen of the omnia 2, the stock rom was good, but lagged a little bit. Also the omnia 2 is said to come with wm 6.1 with a 6.5 update in the "future". Custom roms will speed up the phone, make it look prettier haha, keep you up with the latest builds of 6.5, and much more, along with increase battery life [in most cases] The HTC devices will also have much more support and most likely a very simple kitchen that anyone can use.