Re: How much of a difference will new ROMs make? Did Verizon cripple it?
> do you have insurance on the 6700? If so you could get a pro 2 right now or
> an imagio if it breaks.
yes, I've got insurance! So if my phone broke, and I called Verizon and activated the insurance, they'd send me a free imagio?? What happens to the $100 (or is it $50?) "credit" I have for having a very old phone? Will they want me to send the broken one back to them?
> The omnia2 wont have a very user friendly kitchen for a while, if ever. It will also take
> longer for custom roms to show up i'm guessing, since there isnt nearly as big of a
do you think Omnia 2 stock ROM will be significantly better than Imagio w/ eventual custom ROMs? about the only difference I can see is battery life, right?