Originally Posted by mlevin77
I'm debating whether to buy the Imagio (Verizon) now, or keep waiting for the Omnia II. On my XV6700, which I have now, the new ROMs made a huge difference. So, if that will be the case here, I'll just wait until some of the custom ROMs/kitchens are posted. But if people think it's pretty much fine as-is, then I can get it now and start putting data/apps on it. So, what's the verdict: did Verizon remove features/add useless stuff so that the new ROMs will make a lot of difference, or is it basically as good as it's going to get out of the box, so there's no real need to reflash a custom ROM?
thank you!
I always enjoy custom roms, they will improve all aspects of the phone, newer wm builds, newer oem apps, less carrier bloatware, faster in general. I think custom roms will always make a difference. Right now it looks like verizon will be getting a smartphone called the leo aka HD2, and from what ive heard could be released next month. If this is the case i would sell my pro2 in a heartbeat. If you need a phone now, the imagio seems to be a very good device. I have the vzw pro2 and stock rom is blazing compared to the apache of course, and much faster and smoother than the pro and diamond stock roms.