Originally Posted by FlowingAway
Since my problem is similar to this, I'll just post it in this thread. I have been in good EVDO coverage areas (3-4 bars) and be streaming some audio and get a text message which of course kicks it to 1x for a second. But it never switches back to EVDO. To get it to switch back, I have to pause or stop the playback, and terminate the data connection. Then it switches back to EVDO and I can resume listening to the audio. Any ideas?
You're not alone on this, this is exactly what happens to me as well, I called sprint trying to see what the hell is wrong, they told me to do a hard reset and if that didn't fix it then I should swap out the phone cause it's defective, Well it can't be just this phone defective if others are having the same issue...I hope that maybe a future rom update will clear this problem up, and also every once in a while when I goto web pages or check email it also pops to 1X but it does go back to EV eventually, just as long as I don't use any data for a while, I found that going in and out of airplane mode puts it back to EV way faster then a soft reset, Oh, and did I mention that I did do a HARD RESET and the problem is still there, so obviously it's nothing that I've done with the phone that may have screwed something up, still did this problem with the STOCK rom...Very Very annoying!!!