Originally Posted by PhoneFusion
You can do anything that you want but the app can't read the text messages from the inbox and every time it runs it re-installs the hook to catch the messages.
We'd like to add toady/home screen support but that has a number of issues with it.
I understand that you recommended not to make any changes to the registry and I understand that you can't guarantee that Phone Fusion will be stable if I do so but that being said, I like to tinker, I understand that anything I break is my fault and I would really like to integrate Phone Fusion with my Today screen. If worse comes to worst and I totally jack up my registry I can just hard reset.
Thank you for pointing out the fact that the hook gets reinstalled every time Phone Fusion runs. It probably would have taken me some time to figure out what was going on there. I did figure out a way to work around it though. I basically copied over the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Inbox\Rules\ FVVM key and named it something different. Now I can use that key to increment the unread voicemail count so that a notification will show up on the today screen. I also renamed the FVMPlus.exe file in the Program Files\FVMPlus folder to prevent the original registry key that gets reinstalled every time from running Phone Fusion. I know renaming that file will probably break some other things. I can clean them up later.
I want to understand why you mentioned that the app can't read the message from the inbox. Were you saying that to make me realize that doing the work around the way I'm suggesting will necessitate a manual sync of Phone Fusion after it 's started sometime later by tapping the notification on the Today screen? If that's the only thing this method would result in me having to do, I think I could live with that.
Also, why does the text message show up in my inbox when I stop Phone Fusion from running upon receiving it? What does Phone Fusion do to stop this from happening normally? I would really like to prevent that from happening. Thanks for your help.