Originally Posted by khalid7412002
i am looking to get an everything data family plan and was wondering how you got the 10% loyalty discount and what is your employer discount? also what is FIMF and Call to Home perks? thanks in advance. i currently have family everything messaging 1500 plan with perks such as data on all lines, comes to about 115 a month for all five after all discounts. however, with all the restrictions that they place on new phones, i would like the everything data family plan roughly for the same price and am trying to find ways to stack discounts on top of each other.
Well, I could have gone with the Everything Plus but does not make sense to me since I can get the price down with the employer discount to about what I have now. Sprint will not allow employer discounts on the Everything Plus. I see thats what you want to do too.
I had the 10% loyalty discount with SERO so it transferred over. I was not supposed to get it but back in the day it was being given out like candy.
I don't have an employer discount since it was very hard to get it with SERO, but am looking for one now.
FIMF is "first incoming minute free". I also had that one with my SERO account, so still have it now with the everything data 450 plan.
Originally Posted by dfitzpatrick
Just got it... it rocks.
One thing though for other Hero users, do you find it switching to landscape mode a bit sluggish or unreliable?
Other than that the thing is flying with me
I thought there was something wrong with mine when I first got it. Maybe there is some sensitivity setting somewhere Im not seeing... Hmm.. Anyone else?