Choppy Streaming Video
Hi all. I searched here but couldn't find an answer.
My TP2 plays youtube videos very nicely, over both evdo and wi-fi. But when I play videos streamed from my PC through orb, it's un-watchable. 70-80% of frames are dropped. I've tried it in both coreplayer and WMP, with evdo and wi-fi, the same result. I also have a TP at home, it plays the same stream without any problem, in the same location. When orb measures the connection speed, it shows good fast connection. I lower the speed there manually to lower video quality but it's the same choppy performance. Audio is fine.
Something must be wrong on TP2 but I cannot troubleshoot. Does anybody here use orb or slingbox? Do you get good video? Coreplayer plays video files from sd card without any problem, great quality. This happens only with streamed videos.
Thanks in advance,