Okay... here's the new plan of action.
I am extending my Sprint contract for another 2 years. ($150 credit to the account) and giving the 6700 to my wife. It will replace her POS Sayno mm5600. (we can use that one as our emergency backup phone) Her phone is an "addon" and the contract is up.
NEXT, I will do one of the $99 deals on eBay for the Sprint Touch (2 year contract adding a NEW line to my account)
After all is said & done, the only real drawbacks are: My wife will have my old number, and I will have a new number. My wifes old number will just be dropped. (note to self: tell girlfriend and hoes that I pimp not to call my old number. That would be embarrassing!)
I don't think I can play switch-er-ooo with our original phone numbers because I would have to at least keep the new number as part of the eBay deal.
Well see what happens.