no i just bought the sd card last night and tried to flash it. i put the micro card into its adapter, formatted it to fat32 and transfered the file in step 1 onto it.I named it "TITAIMG" and put the card into my phone. I turned it on let it run the cricket screen and same thing happens. could you walk me through step by step how to flash to the sd card? and how to run it on the phone? google's really pissing me off sending me to all these dead ends. i need to know:
do i just put the sd card into the sd slot on the laptop and drag the .nbh file into it?
do i put the phone into bootloader with the card in the phone and transfer it?
what exactly does the file need to be called? the type of file is .nbh does the name still have to say TITAIMG or TITAIMG.nbh? i have tried both.
Do i need to run any programs after copying the file to make the card do something?
i noticed the card doesn't have any " directories " in it when i open it on the computer. theres no folder that says "root"
i said i was a noob when to it comes to phones ( great with computers so not completely useless), so please write how to do things as well as what to do and i'll be fine. doesnt have to be too detailed as i have common sense

I really appreciate your help because i know im bein annoying as hell with this.