Yes, i think that's the one i saw - thanks banzaiwolfe!
But as you say it only focuses on the registry. Any suggestions on what to use in order to monitor filesystem changes?
Basically I have 2 goals, so i might need more than one app:
- Backup - I want to be able to roll back my entire device to an earlier date in the event of some catastrophe. Rather than reinstalling from scratch.
- Remove artifacts - I want to be able to completely undo the effects of any selected app that I decide to uninstall after trying it out. I have sampled many apps that leave a mess lying about after uninstalling them, which consume resources unnecessarily and pose a hazard to surviving apps.
Goal #2 might be accomplished to some extent by the achievement goal #1, if the backup option also features a selective rollback.
Is there something that does this already? Even if it's a set of tools, each with it's own role. Like CERegEditor plus some kind of "filesystem snapshotter" maybe?