Re: hardware keyboard issue photo essay a.k.a. i was bored
Thanks for this essay! I had the same problem as many others -- light would come on and screen would rotate, but the buttons wouldn't work. Alltel sucks at phone replacement, so I decided to go for broke (literally) and try to fix it myself.
When I first opened it up, everything appeared to be connected. I pressed down on all three connections, and reattached it, but it still didn't work. I then read about bending the two metal contact hooks upward. Tried that and still nothing. The third time was a charm when I took a slightly damp piece of cloth and cleaned the contacts on the metal hooks, cleaned the areas on the metal plate where they make contact, and applied tape (masking tape, I had no electrical tape handy) to hold down the ribbon where it comes out of the keyboard and along the ribbon itself for further insulation. I also applied some to the "penis" ribbon for good measure. It works great now. Thanks for all the tips, people!
Alltel Touch Pro
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