Originally Posted by heydjbobby74
Yes I was confused. In the upper right hand corner of the today screen, where you can drop down to see what programs are running and it also tells you the usage, for example 57%. If I have a few different programs running and say the drop down icon shows I am using 57% of my memory, when I close down all running programs, I only get back like maybe 5% of the memory. Am I doing something wrong? On the TP1 I never had this problem.
TP2 has a few more processes running, especially if you run TF3D. All of the menu and interface enhancements take memory. If you use an application like Memmaid, you will see a lot of plug-ins and service that start automatically.
I have gone through and disabled many of the startup apps and services associated with TF3D, as well as others that are not needed--such as the Customer Experience upload agent. I have seen some gains in memory, but for most people, it might not be worth the trouble.
I have been trying to map all of the services so we know what can be turned on or off, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of knowledge out there:
The DotFred app I cited above will give you real CPU utilization. At idle, the CPU should be somewhere below 5% (not counting DotFred running). I have been able to get my device down to 1% at idle. This helps improve battery life.