Here's all the FM files I can get ahold of at the moment. I'm having a pain trying to get a couple of the files off my phone. I didn't do a registry dump from my phone because I'm not yet sure what personal information I'd need to filter out of it first.
The RGU file in the GSM folder is the bulk of the GSM phone's registry. It seems to have all the Widcom/Broadcom/FM stuff.
If it's an issue, I can break down one of the untouched Sprint ROMs and get the missing pieces.
I'd post the World/GSM ROM contents, but it's over a gig
Here's the instructions I followed, sort of, to get the dismantled ROM.
I'm not sure how much help I can be, but I'll try. I've got some background disassembling and modifying automotive engine control software as a hobby. Maybe I can apply some of that to this project. Who knows? I'm willing to try though