Originally Posted by gadgetfreak
That's actually a limitation of the 1% battery read. The first 10% are just not that accurate according to everything I've ever read. This has been an issue for a while. I am looking to see what could be causing the additional drain though, just in case there is something interacting in an unexpected way. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know!
yep, the battery reading from 100 - 90% is useless, probably why the oem battery icons don't show percentages. The latest Calcu kitchen has additional battery tweaks which I'm sure you have seen like the one that polls for rotation less and i know he uses the battery polling fix setting it to check battery levels much less but enough not to show big drops. In any event, I did not notice a big draw in battery performance, not anything out of the ordinary that is. thanks Gadget. good to hear you are feeling better!