Originally Posted by PhoneFusion
The application is designed to receive a text message that arrives in a special format that tells the application a new message has arived and needs to be downloaded.
The application should run ONE TIME and then be left in the background (don't close it) where it will display a new message notification if you get a new one, but it won't launch every time a new message comes in because it's running.
It does not currently integrate with the today/home screen.
If you prevent application from launching when a text message comes in then you will have to manually sync the application. The application can only access the text message when it comes in, it can not access the inbox for text messages.
We do not reccommend that you modify the registry entries for the application.
I hope that answers all of your questions.
this is something i don't agree with. The application should not have to be left running in the backround. When i had phone fusion before i did not have to have it running all the time, it would open up as i received a new voicemail. Now it does open up when i recieve the voicemail but it doesn't download the message until i press sync. I think a notification should pop up instead of the program opening up imho and it definitely shouldn't have to be left in the running programs menu.