Originally Posted by JSMZ
lol, listen to yourselves,
i'm not a hater, but
maybe u should make ur own rom
lets see how superb urs is
Why even bother to post a lame a$$ post
don't come into NRG's house and light a match
the world does not simply revolve around positive feedback only. Negative feedback helps to maintain stability in a system in spite of external changes. like it or not its how the world turns.
fyi, it was simply my opinion. and i did not flame anyone.
I think it might have been more helpful to post the bugs you found, rather than stating your "opinion" in the manner you did. No one gives a piece that you dont care for the ROM, that's all good, but we do like to try and help build a better product through crtique, as you said, "Negative feedback helps to maintain stability in a system in spite of external changes. like it or not its how the world turns."
I agree 100%. So, rather that excite the hotheads around here, why not post the bugs you found?
...or flash another ROM? I can suggest a few that are excellent.
EDIT: You just edited your post...cool, no sense addressing what's been addressed. There are definitely ROMs that will do what you're looking for, good luck.