Originally Posted by orangekid
sprint was also saying they didn't have any data on the hero about a month ago, so I wouldn't necessarily take that as bad news.
I hope they supplant plans of getting the D2 or (imagio) with getting the Leo or (HD2 or ProThree). It's hard to bank on it but Sprint still has not released a non-qwerty WM touch screen device since the Diamond so they may pick it up as the next device.
Now im not big on none hardware keyboard phones but I would jump on this phone if they come out with a cdma version and sprint picks it up.
This would make more sense to me for sprint to get this phone instead of a Diamond 2.
I was thinking a 3.8 inch screen was pushing it but I think a phone like this would basically eliminate the need to carry a laptop or net book all the time given that the battery life also has good improvements.