Thread: LEO Confirmed
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Old 10-07-2009, 02:22 PM
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Re: LEO Confirmed

Originally Posted by wmphoto View Post
I'd love to know who is going to carry this in the US... And of course a better estimate of when... I just got off of the phone with the Sprint lady, Angela G. from she says that there is no info or plans on carring the HTC Leo or HD2 as it is now called... She also said that the Sprint Diamond 2 still doesn't have any info on a drop date... So, pretty much bad news all around for Sprint...
With the HTC HD2 however, I'll probably change carriers to who ever brings it here first.

sprint was also saying they didn't have any data on the hero about a month ago, so I wouldn't necessarily take that as bad news.

I hope they supplant plans of getting the D2 or (imagio) with getting the Leo or (HD2 or ProThree). It's hard to bank on it but Sprint still has not released a non-qwerty WM touch screen device since the Diamond so they may pick it up as the next device.
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