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Old 10-07-2009, 12:19 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Diamond 2

Originally Posted by jamess661 View Post
This sounds good and all but its out with verizon how long does it take for them to know when there going to drop a phone thats already out. Unless there are changing the processor and a few more things that need alot more testing. that could be a game changer and that reason nothing happening yet...
I agree that if Sprint takes yet another month to drop a device identical to the HTC Imagio, it would be somewhat disappointing. The TD2 and TPro2 are both out with WinMo 6.5 on Verizon and AT&T (and at reasonable prices). Sprint has only the TPro2 and that is still running WinMo 6.1 (no update to WinMo 6.5 availability date announced yet). I doubt Sprint would upgrade the processor in the HTC TD2/Whitestone as users in the know would buy it over the TP2 unless they absolutely had to have a physical keyboard. If Sprint comes late to the game with the same hardware as the HTC Imagio or Pure, they better not be asking for more money than Verizon or At&T.
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