Originally Posted by breakmyfootoff
Android might just end up being the next big thing apparently. The google app store is gaining ground on iTunes quickly as well. If they produce an Android handset that has the larger WVGA screen I might be sold. I still kinda hate to jump ship right now with WM making an effort finally. I'm anxious to see what Windows Phone 7 offers and how the MS app store grows.
I hate to jump ship as well, but 6.5 isn't serving my needs any longer, and Android looks to be the way to go, for now. Long live the Hero, and successors to the hero, and any WVGA android devices!! And here's to hoping MS is stepping up their game on WM7. I don't plan on abandoning WM forever, unless WM7 is more of the same, or Android continues to serve my needs.
I hope MS is reading the news headlines, and Ballmer better be lighting a fire under the WM7 development team. Everyday, he should be asking "is it done yet?", and if not, ask "Why the hell not?"