I'd like to get a universal USB car charger with two ports in which each port is capable of at least 1A. From what I've heard, the TP2 will use somewhere near 1A to charge. Is this correct?
I've found these chargers:
http://www.usbfever.com/index_eprodu...roducts_id=638 ($15.99, appears to have a fuse)
http://www.phonesuit.com/products/US...ger-17-10.html ($19.99, not clear whether it has any safety features or not)
Does anyone have any experience with these products or vendors? Or any other suggestions that fit (even a 4A dual charger, if it exists)? I know the HTC charger is 2A but only has a hardwired mini USB, which is obviously less flexible than just a standard USB port.
And why are these higher-powered chargers so rare? Are there risks?