Originally Posted by janko10
Yeah that makes no sense lol.
Originally Posted by jmorton10
What the heck are you talking about??
Sorry I was a little frustrated. I should have added that this always happens to me when I reach into my pocket to answer my phone. The align screen pops up over everything else, usually causing me to miss the phone call.
I understand why they'd need to have a shortcut for this (as described) but this one is a little too easy for to hit. it would make more sense to incorporate it to the reset button. Like, press reset and hold windows key while it boots or something... the frequency of people messing with your screen alignment as a joke is probably small enough that a soft reset wouldnt cause any problems...
Anyway sorry for my initial hyped response. It would be nice if the thread starter would reply to the HTC support rep and ask if this is a registry setting that can be changed to something less likely to be pushed.