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Old 10-07-2009, 12:33 AM
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Re: Returned My TP 2

Originally Posted by jumpnjoeyz View Post
I liked the phone a lot. But I talk on the phone a bunch and when I get into my car my phone transfers to my car speakers and I can turn on the gamin xt software and get somewhere all at the same time only pushing the gamin program button. When I leave the car the phone transfers without pushing a button.

I could not do this with the touch pro 2. Drives me crazy that my mogul does it all flawlessly and the new phone I paid $450 for can't. So I figured return it until the bugs are fixed and maybe get a better price on it after enough people burn Sprint for their high price. In the mean time I get stuck with a crappy screen but a phone that works more to suit my actual phone usage needs. It is hard to get used to the bad screen again. The Touch Pro 2 screen was awsome.
Well, I don't blame you. The phone just doesn't soot your needs. HTC can have new phones come out everyday and not one of them will work for everybody.


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