Originally Posted by p-slim
You do make valid points that are hard to argue with, but i think i will still keep my touch pro2, you weren't really going to run a stock 6.5 rom were you? hopefully cmonex will grace us any day now.
So that means when they start selling it in stores it will still be 6.1.
No, but I was going to use the 6.5 ROM as a base for a new custom ROM. I embarassed Sprint on the original Diamond ROM and released it on their own message board for all of the suffering customers who weren't getting answers or fixes from Sprint on speed, email glitches, severe heat issues, and 6-hour battery life. I even called them out on comment markups in their provxml files to show that their custmers are not all stupid nor will they tolerate stonewalling in hopes that they will just eventually live with it. And I gave them the HSPL of course.
Sprint never did remove my post.