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Old 10-06-2009, 08:47 AM
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Re: Windows Mobile 6.5 Review...

Originally Posted by nemoid View Post
No, the settings are still the same... adding the "scrollbar" with some a tad nicer checkboxes in lieu of the tabs doesn't make it a new gui It's all the same stuff.

The only thing about the contacts that's an improvement is the initial page. Once you go to put more information in, it's exactly the same.

Like I said, everything is essentially the same. The CORE of the OS is unchanged. There's some eye candy here and there, but it's useless. It's putting lipstick on a pig.

Well in your mind it may be 6.5, but it's not released, so hate to break it to you, but it's still not 6.5. At the rate MS is going with the mobile OS, they're going to fail big time. You and a few other die hard WM fans will stick here with 6.5.1, but the majority of us will leave.

And those threads are in the wrong place, they should be in the PPC News section.
or all merged into one and sure I am a wm user...I won't lie I actually prefer wm than any others having used all others (RIM, Iphone, and Android)

the emphasis on capacitive touch, larger icons, tweaking GUI is enough of a balance for developers used to the old architecture and programs still work on yes microsoft is legacy but has a lot of customizability as well as TRUE MULTI tasking and a slight bump of colors isn't a bad for wvga devices with higher processing speed isn't bad either considering wm 6.1 didn't support faster processors

so is the core the same? In many ways, is it tweaked for future devices? Absolutely and that is the big emphasizing point here.

WM is intelligent in that their OS underlay is crappy - just like chrome is a bit crappy and ugly. Putting design, finger friendly nature of OS to OEM developers (HTC and Samsung) have yielded a much larger profit for each company and allows for customizability that we users dream.

So again great points, problem is we regretfully disagree.
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