Originally Posted by syrguy1969
Best thing I can say is to go to the screenshot thread and see what others have done:
and you can get a LOT of great free apps or suggestions of cool pay apps in the software forum:
The thing to remember is you shouldn't have any problems with apps for your i900, but don't use the ROMs made for the i910, it will brick your phone. If you want to get into flashing ROMs, your better looking over in Modeco:
If you have any questions about specific apps, or how to get specific looks/functions, or just have an idea in your head your trying to get to but don't know what to use please feel free to ask, If there isn't a threadt for it post here or just PM someone you know, there are really outstanding members in here that would be more than happy to help you out (I don't put myself in the same category as a lot of the experts here, but I will answer whatever I can for you)!!
P.S. [killkrazie].....Have you flashed at all? If you have, do you use system backups (SPB Backup, RESCO....)? If you have flashed and restored with a previous ROM's backup file, that may be a contributing factor (if not the cause) of your issue!!
Lol thanks

Thats what a forum is for

I hope one day i can help other members.
Thank you
So basicly, with flashing, you flash a new firmware on your phone. So tha means i can flash wm6.5 on my phone with wm6.1, or is that a complete different thing?