Originally Posted by HB
Hey cool avatar dude, install to device and the error u getting prolly has nothing to do with the killa.
Hey thank u and i ended up installing to the sd card so idk if its working or not bc i ended up getting that file thats the stealth for the tp2 but idk if thats whats work or this killa or both or what so yeah but what i have done so far which is work is the regular ics cab and then the killa but it still didnt work maybe bc i installed to sd idk and the i got that stealth cab and idk if all three are working or what but im great now so yay!!!. I know run on sentance but whatever i like to talk but ne ways so maybe u can figure out my problem or used to be problem bc only way to find out is to unistall each one if i can and see one by one. Well okies dokies let me know when u have the chance thanks