Need Help Regarding T-Mobile
I am thinking of switching carrirers.
I have been a Sprint customer for over 10 Years. But because they are Restricting the New Devices that I can activate on my Free & Clear 2000Family Plan that I am paying $100/Mo., I probably will be switching my Carrier.
I am interseted in T-Mobile as their pricing for my needs are similar to Sprint's.
I know it is a GSM Carrier. I would like to know how their service is regarding voice & data?
- dropped calls
- speed of data 3g
- customer service
- does T-Mobile cripple their devices?
I will be looking at the newer MinMo devices coming out. I hear they may be getting the HTC HD2, which looks like a really nice device.
I am not interested in Verizon or AT&T because of their pricing.
I am not sure if Sprint will be allowing future WinMo Devices on my plan.
By the very fact that Sprint is making a Concerted Effort to try to Force all of it's Customers onto newer More Expensive, Less Featured Plans, is the reason I may be switching, if the Price is right.
I refuse to be bullied into switching Plans, and I will switch Carriers before I ever pay more money to Sprint (which, btw, comes out to be an additional $1100.00 over a 2 year contract period, for less minutes and less features.)
If it is a few dollars difference, I will give it to a Different Carrier, if that Carrier can Fullfill my Needs.
And maybe I can be one of the many SPRINT Customers jumping ship.
Btw, I am very happy with Sprint's Service regarding Voice & Data and want to know if T-Mobile is Compatible in these regards and the others I listed.
Last edited by Biker1; 10-05-2009 at 11:30 PM.
Reason: content