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Old 10-05-2009, 08:52 PM
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App store cab install workaround by Chainfire.

Marketplace officially goes live tomorrow (even though it’s live today) but Chainfire tested out the security and to his surprise it took a mere 5 minutes to bypass the copyright security, thus letting him exchange ‘secure’ apps with anyone. He has not shared the method (which we would not share if it were disclosed) but he stated the following:
What it all comes down to is that there is no copy protection, not even at the advanced level, at least if they implement it in the way I interpret from reading that document.
So today I started up Marketplace and it worked. Hurrah. The current level of protection is making sure the CAB files are deleted upon install – which is obviously not a way to protect anything – but even this, I thought, should easily be circumventable.
Now, because I wanted to see how fast it could be done, I went with a hunch instead of doing any investigation. And that hunch worked like charm. It took me less than five minutes to circumvent this "protection", and get the ability to save the CABs the MarketPlace app downloads to a different folder.
Obviously I will not disclose the method, because that would be working against other commercial developers, and ultimately myself. It’s just to let you know how ridiculously easy it is, and to give fair warning to those looking to sell apps on the Marketplace.
So, the moral of the story is… WTF MICROSOFT?
I know firsthand there is no such thing as perfect copy protection, but this is just plain ridiculous.
What we really need is for apps to be able to use our own copy protection schemes… you know, like the good web-based app stores out there.

We’ll all see where this goes together…
Okay so i figured out how to save the cabs for free apps from the new apps store!!
Right now i only know how to do it with free apps.

Open up file explorer, i use resco explorer. Go into the \Temp\ folder. Then go into the app store, locate a free app, hit install, then go into file explorer you will see a cab at the bottom of the temp folder called, wait till it the file size is more than 0 bytes, the copy it to another folder quick. Now you have the cab!
...i figured that out in 2 minutes pretty sad, a 17 year old got past microsofts security that quick... I hope Microsoft will get this fixed when the app store is official tomorrow!

Note: This is not how you can get the paid apps for free, im just telling you how to get the cab for apps you can download for free anyways!

Last edited by bikeandestroyx; 10-05-2009 at 09:29 PM.
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