Originally Posted by TMB_XV6700
The kitchen installer and OEM package are intended to run on a PC, not your phone. You use them to create and flash a new rom image to your phone.
It's been over a week since I last did this, and things may have changed. This is what I remember:
1. Download and run the kitchen installer file. This will create a new folder called \BuildOS on the c: drive of the computer. It will also create a couple shortcuts on the desktop.
2. Download the ppcgeeks OEM file - save it to the new c:\BuildOS folder.
3. Read the tips.txt in the c:\BuildOS folder.
4. Read the first 3-4 pages of this thread (at least)
5. Go to the desktop, double-click on the chef icon, and cook your rom (don't be too greedy; you'll have to do it over again).
[Dang I type too slow....]
I appreciate your quick response even tho luv2chill beat you to it. Your explanation is a little clearer tho :~) thanks pal!