Originally Posted by diveman
found a prob with pocket rar. when i try to run it it locks up device.
indeed. I recmodded it and am thinking that was the problem (it being a module). My app.dat places the EXE in \program files\pocket rar. modules (
afaik) can only be placed into \windows and this is where the problem comes from. I am sure the facebook thing is the same thing. I am cooking now with facebook and pocket rar as files instead of modules, then I will cook with them as modules but not move them into program files and see which is faster to load and that will be what ends up in 3.2..
3.2 will contain 23017 and 23060.

I am really starting to love 23060. The only bug in it is in regular phonecanvas (what is in 23017), the keypad does not work in a call. meaning you cannot delete voicemails, etc... the workaround will be to use tachi dialer in 6.5.1 builds :-\