Re: 10/2/09 # intxROM Premier # Blazing, stable, bugfree.
Originally Posted by mconig78
Love the premier rom excellent work very fast and tons of free memory. I just cant get past the old scrolling. I dont know if its 6.1 or 6.5.1 that has the smoother scrolling or if its the new sys. The one thing I do like about the 6.1 premier is the start menu. I like to push start it and it pulls of the programs and it deletes the program tab from tf3d. Is there a way to do that on the 6.5 roms? Im gonna try out fidelity now and see how it goes.
There is. You have to run the Enable Manila Start menu cab and you have to make an edit, which unfortunately escapes me atm =/
Use intxROM
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