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Old 10-04-2009, 02:01 PM
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Re: Alltel Touch Pro needs replacing, what will happen?

I dont know what mean by officially vzw, but if you're talking about the takeover my market has been officially vzw for a few months now. So I am considered a Verizon customer, but I still have my Alltel Plan with 4 lines and 4 Alltel devices. I just hopped on the live chat at and this is what I was told.

This functionality requires JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript and try again. To read the LivePerson accessibility policy, please go to the Liveperson accessibility policy page.
Please wait for a Verizon Wireless sales representative to assist you with your order. Thank you for your patience!
A Verizon Wireless online pre-sales specialist has joined the chat. You are now chatting with Malia
Malia: Hello. Thank you for visiting our chat service. May I help you with your order today?
You: Hi, I actually just have a question
Malia: I'd be happy to help you with that.
You: Im currently a VZ customer, former Alltel customer, currently under Alltel contract still with about a year to go on my main line, various other times on my other 3 lines
You: I want to upgrade to the HTC Touch Pro 2, I currently have the original Touch Pro, so my current plan would suffice, I am willing to pay full retail for the device, if i can use it on my Alltel plan, is this possible?
Malia: I'd be happy to help you with that.
Malia: Are you logged into "My Verizon" with your username and password?
You: no, should I be?
Malia: Yes, you need to be signed in to view all eligible prices.
Malia: I am going to send you a link to view that information. Is that okay?
You: I know the price
You: its 489.99
Malia: Click Here!
You: Im asking can I buy the VERIZON Touch Pro 2 and have it activated on my ALLTEL plan
Malia: No, you would need a Verizon plan.
You: okay, so what are my options then, because I am still under contract?
Malia: You can change the calling plan at anytime without it changing the contract. You simply need to sign in to view all options.
You: okay, so I can change to a verizon plan, and my Alltel contract will remain?
Malia: If your account has merged with Verizon then you are considered under a Verizon contract and you can change the plan.
You: okay great, however, what about my other 3 lines?
You: i have 3 added lines to my main line
You: If I change to a Verizon plan, technically, they would be Alltel devices on a Verizon plan
Malia: Please hold on while I check that information.
You: thank you
Malia: If you changed the plan then it would be for all lines.
Malia: My pleasure.
Malia: It would be for all lines if you changed the plan.
You: right, but would they need to be changed to verizon devices?
Malia: Yes, you cannot have Alltel devices on a Verizon plan.
You: so I will have to buy 4 phones all at once
Malia: If you choose to change the plan to Verizon plan then all of the phones would need to be upgraded.
You: thats kind of ridiculous
You: the technology is the same, there is no reason why the phones will not work on the different plan
Malia: I understand. However, you would need all Verizon phones on a Verizon plan.
You: since all my lines will be ready for upgrade at different times, is there anyway I can get any leniency if I want to change them all at once
Malia: You would need to speak with Customer Care at 800-922-0204 regarding making these changes.
Malia: Are there any other questions that I can help you with today?
You: nope
Malia: Thank you for visiting Verizon Wireless, I look forward to speaking with you again. Have a great day!
Your chat session has been ended by your Verizon Wireless online agent.

I wonder if I go into a store, buy the phone and change my plan, and not even mention the other devices what would happen.
Incredible - Touch Pro 2 - Imagio - Touch Pro - Touch - PPC6700 - XV6700

Alltel / Verizon
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