Originally Posted by Jarkmackson
Has anyone made a roam only toggle program that works kind of like the bt toggle that I use, so that I can just put it in my programs tab and tap it to turn it on/off?
Originally Posted by mulhiny
I'd also be very interested in some sort of mort-script program that would do this. We need to force roam at home as we get almost no signal..I just gave my wife my Diamond (her first ppc) and explaining the menu taps is a little beyond her at this stage in the game, lol..just need a nice, quick and easy app. Can anyone help with this? Or maybe share some knowledge with me so I can give it a go??
Toggle 1X is a script that does this, just for Mode of Operation.
Feel free to download it, edit the mortscript accordingly for roaming, it's pretty simple to figure it out.
If you can't figure it out, let me know and I'll go ahead and do it for you.