Originally Posted by ClevelandWheeler
I doesn't matter if one or 100 people confirm it they just arn't giving it to everyone. Case by case basis. mostly depends on the person you talk with. You can try ecare thats how I got mine ecare2@cc.sprintpcs.com doesn't work for everyone though just like everything else. hope it helps.
yeah im going to try that in a sec , but about that price drop thing . I saw in the post that i responded to that he said that the sales rep told him that he could just wait until the price drop and call later . I was wondering if he got some information that we hadn't , confirming a imminent price drop?????
"They noted my account to do this and they also told me if I still wanted to do this then I could wait till the price drop and call later but do you think there is a way around the up front price or is this a done deal and cant change no matter"