Originally Posted by psycho_maniac
you can show more days if they are all for the same day.
this sounds stupid because we have such a large screen now but to show more events that are on the same day when you are on the home screen flick down so it shows the small clock and then it will show the events. i believe???? try that.
On the old HTC Tytn II the home screen would show multiple days if there was enough room. I was hoping to get multiple days showing. I agree, seems weird to have all the realestate and not have it default to at least 3-5 entries, either same day or multiple days.
I like to try and keep the phone as close to vanilla as possible, but we all know that isn't completely possible as there are some great hacks here, including the delete all and mark all read ones.
I was hoping for a simple reg hack to show more days and more sequential appointments... but that might be impossible without just doing the entire home screen.