Originally Posted by florachristi
So what should we do for this things not to get happen to us,,,,,, and even i heard they will hijack through bluetooth also we should not keep on the bluetooth in the public,,,,,
Bluetooth is surprisingly easy to hijack phones with.
Originally Posted by Biker1
I think you guys are talking about Phone Creeper >
I was keeping up with the thread at the beginning but lost interest.
The developer was supposed to develop a program to counter the original program so it could be detected and disabled.
I am not sure if he did or not.
Same here, I lost interest in that thread also.
I kept posting how it was a bad idea from the beginning...
but no one ever listens to me.
Originally Posted by breakmyfootoff
It shouldnt be too much of a problem then if they have to have the phone to install it.
There's otherways to install actually.
Could be attached to a program you download from forums.
PPC programs that have been cracked could also have this program secretly in it.
If you really want to be technical a simple webpage and some javascript to detect if it's a phone browser could then download it to your phone as a "cookie" or something that could install itself in the background.
There's always ways to do that.