Originally Posted by emarketingdept
Thank you!... I had to do some minor tweaks but I got it working and looking how I wanted.... The Audio Manager you gave had a blue skin and I wanted the grey/black one.... So I installed the AudioManagerWM6.cab version and then just overwrote the AudioManager.exe with the one in your zip file.... Now it's a black and grey player that is finger scrollable!!!... The last "minor" issue would be the ability to create ringtones which I can't get to work with any HTC Audio Manager I have found. Again thank you VERY much you put me on the right track!! I would still be interested in see HTC Audio manager 1.2 Build (919.713) to see if it's black/grey and the ringtone maker works.....
ok im tryin to do this, but there is no directory for the htc audio mgr...after installing the WM6.cab, where exactly did you place the audiomanager.exe file? ive installed it to my device...