Re: Sprints matches Big reds TP2 price!
I too got the email this morning from E-Care. The Rep confirmed that as of October 1st they were lowering the price to 199.99 after rebate.. While that maybe incorrect, I don't care, I got my credits.
I bought the phone for 449.99 + tax on Sept. 15. Of course I sent my rebate form in already. When I purchased the handset, I called ecare and begged for a credit since I am a long time customer, and they gave me a 75.00 credit right then and there with no problems.
I ordered the phone, all is well.
I found this thread a week ago. I initially did a chat, and they absolutely refused to credit an additional 75.00 .. That was on 9-30.
Last night, I sent an email through their site.. I even sent them a link to their own hosted forum about the TP2, and with the posts on their site/forum where customers were reporting getting service credits.
They emailed me back overnight and and confirmed the 199.99 price match, and credited me an additional 75.00 to make all my service credits of 150.00 for the match.
I am on everything data plus with 4 lines, Ins. on all lines, and I got a 27% discount because of this site and a thread of getting corporate discounts. That worked for me, and I went from my 15% to 27%. I am also a contract inspector on behalf of a servicer that does mortgage inspections for Citi Mortgage, so in a round about way, I am probably correct in getting the discount anyways.
I just wanted to report that it only took two times for me, no phone calls, and about 20 total minutes trouble.
good luck!