Re: Jumping ship!
Your antics and dislike for HTC products is legendary to say the least. To see you talking about jumping ship isn't a surprise. I had the Touch Pro and although I know there have been a number of issues with it, I still liked the customizations and the slide out keyboard. Enter Palm Pre.
I was originally going to get the TP2 but since Sprint refused to lower the price and match Verizons, I decided to get the Pre. This little phone is amazing. I found so many tasks difficult on the TP but the Pre makes many tasks very seamless and transparent right out of the box. Yes, it does have some issues.
If you disliked the battery on the TP you will absolutely hate it on the Pre. That said, it charges rather quickly. There are other minor and some annoying issues but so far nothing like I ever had on the TP. Now honestly, I am still trying to get used to the keyboard. I don't think I will ever like any other keyboard after using a TP.
Applications are abundant and most are very useful with several adding features that Palm has not. They are very easy to install. Customizing I don' think is yet to the same standards as a windows mobile phone. No custom roms and such but themes are pretty plentiful.
All in all, it's a very good phone with a ton of potential. Like any new phone, improvements are needed but Palm seems to be working towards making the webOS the best possible.
Sprint finally is matching Verizons price on the TP2 and I did get that ordered today. It should be here by Monday. But I have spent all day thinking about it and frankly, even though I think you come across as a whiner when it comes to HTC phones, you usually do say what I usually am thinking. I am thinking also that I may end up just sending the TP2 back when it arrives at my door. The Pre really is a great phone.
"Why do people who make more money have to be so stupid?"
"If you can't figure out something simple like how to use Google to search, don't even try flashing your phone!"
