Originally Posted by gramerssss
I dont no what i should do to my phone!!?
wat are some things that you guys did to your phones?
place screen shots up if you want thanks (:!
Top 10 Things to do with Your TP2
10. Go to the lake and use it as a skipping stone.
9. Grab a hot cup of coffee and use it as a table coaster.
8. Place it in a microwave, turn the microwave on for 1:00, and use it for a science experiment.
7. Stroll around town and make believe you're talking to **** [Richard] Cheney on the coolest phone in the world!
6. Walk into an Apple Store and ask the sales person if he/she sells these phones as a shopping experiment.
5. Take it apart and try and put it back together again.
4. Nail it to the walls of your home as a piece of art.
3. Put it in the freeze, let it get really cold, and use it as an ice pack.
2. Buy a second HTC TP2 and walk around with one on both ears to see if people think you're crazy as a social experiment.
1. Have fun, press all the buttons, and learn all the neat stuff the phone can do!