Originally Posted by jjairal
Sweet can't wait to check out the new build. Yeah i tried out 9.7 too but didnt like it too much. Seem to get lots of crashes with it. But if u go to sites like sears.com or redbox.com you will see how they open on this build compared to the one you were using before.
Update. Just noticed few things so far. When u have your favorites added in manila and u try to text from the little icon underneath the pic. If it goes to the pick sms or email screen it will freeze the phone unless u close it. After u click the icon again it will work and send u too the text screen for the contact u were picking. Seen it on a few other roms so its probably a build issue. But seems to be fine after that first time it happens. The other was that push internet doesnt seem to work when u add a bookmark. Not sure if it was a problem on one of your other roms. Maybe making opera uninstalable messes with the push internet.
That's one of the Showcase symptoms reported by a few people. If it keeps happening just uninstall Showcase via the Remove Programs in System.