Originally Posted by captblaze
are you trying to unlock your phone after flashing the new maintenance ROM from HTC?
if so you need to do this ---> download SSPLManual_Raphael.zip to your phone / unzip / connect via active sync / run SSPLManual from your phone / you should now be in boot loader / unlock with HSPL 0.37
Nope. I might still need to do what you suggest though.
Here's my story.
Happy Mogul user for nearly 2 years, but saw WinMobile 6.5, and said, wooo, I want
got an upgrade to the Touch Pro. Got it on Friday, had some problems with data services, got that all fixed on tuesday, and now want to get MightROM 6.5 running on it. On Mighty Mike's thread about installing the ROM he said the phone needs to be unlocked and started there.
Thats where I got the file I said in the post above, that wouldn't load through the PC, so I took the RalphIMG and put in on the SD card and did the soft reset.....
Thanks for everyone's help! This community ROCKS!
Okay, got ahold of sspl-manual, ran it from my phone, and everything worked like a charm. check the "tri-color" screen just for verification and I have SPL-0.37.CMONEX now. On to the next steps!