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Old 10-01-2009, 08:58 PM
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Re: Touch Pro CDMA Hard-SPL brought to you by CDMA Raphael Elite Team

Originally Posted by EvilRSA View Post
hhrrrmmm....Okay, status update...

copied the file to the root of my sd card, renamed it to ralphimg, all caps, and did a soft reset. Now, I've been at a gray screen that says "loading...", and that's all it's doing for.......*looks at clock* 25 minutes now....

Bad flash image?
should I have deleted all the files off the sd card as well?
something else?

I saw in that thread about the sd flashing (thanks for the link) that it should have asked me to "Press power to continue" or something similar, but it never did so...just right to that "loading..." message......

what now? lol
are you trying to unlock your phone after flashing the new maintenance ROM from HTC?

if so you need to do this ---> download to your phone / unzip / connect via active sync / run SSPLManual from your phone / you should now be in boot loader / unlock with HSPL 0.37
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