Originally Posted by nextpimp
how can you remap the button5 on a tab in manilla. i have to downgrade arc5oft mm5. have youch pro on boo5t. all i5 well exept for mm5. *certain key broken on laptop*
**EDIT** problem 5olved... removed and rein5talled jd arc 5.1.22 for 5print then updated 5erver.... make me think the regi5try wa5nt taking the new input
Not sure ifthis is what you needed, these are registry keys for editing the home screen manila keys...
HKLM-->Software-->HTC-->Manila-->HomeLSKPath \Windows\"Shortcut or Program"
HKLM-->Software-->HTC-->Manila-->HomeLSKText "Text Displayed on home screen"
HomeRSK for right soft key. I map mine to G-Alarm and Pandora...