Originally Posted by Noir
I find it a dubious claim for a variety of reasons
why would htc mandate one carrier have the 3d acceleration and not all?
I only know people at Verizon, it probably will be released for all but I've only heard about it in regards to Verizon. Unless the Imagio uses some fancy tricks to get VCast to work smoothly (doesn't even play that well on other non-HTC devices), it will come with drivers. It also uses the same CPU family as what the last gen and current gen Touch series has...could easily bring to other devices, both us and HTC. I'm not getting all that excited over it...I love my TP2 and all but better to have no expectations than to have expectations crushed. We'll see what happens over the next few days...
Imagio (and its GSM and global ilk) will be around for quite some time, and I doubt HTC is gonna start using Snapdragon on everything from now on (WinMo7 and WinMo6.5 will live side-by-side for quite some time...W7 for high-end devices, 6.5 for low).