Re: JD's Clean Windows Mobile 6.5 ROM & Kitchen (beta updated sept.23)
To all I have been trying to finalize my ROM in terms of bringing it from beta to official I have put many hours into working on studying the tp and 6.5 for my "official" I will be rolling with the 218xx builds as these builds are done and more then likely what you will see on Oct. 6 , I will continue to make 23xxx com 3 and 4 betas but they will be unsupported as they are still beta my goal is to roll out the bug free daily driver and I am a third of the way there ..... I know about the last two builds that dropped yesterday but they have issues in them that I will not invest any time into fixing ... so NO new 6.5.x builds for now
My name will appears multiple times spelled different in this sentence , I have two other siblings with the same name as me, don't think to hard to guess what my name is too , who am I