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  #18764 (permalink)  
Old 09-30-2009, 04:27 PM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- Updates from Sprint 2.01.651.6?

I know Mighty Mike has "finalled" the last MR6 build (so I don't expect him to take up the task), but just the other day, HTC released an official maintenance release for Sprint Touch Pros with a build of 2.01.651.6.

I'm going to go out on a limb here, but I assume that many drivers in MR6 are derived from the older CDMA ROM builds, right? Is there any way to extract misc drivers and so on from this maintenance release and install any that are newer? It might resolve any dangling issues some are experiencing. Or heck, it might even improve performance.

IANARH (I Am Not A ROM Hacker), so I defer to the experts here! Discuss! Tell me why I'm wrong!